Xiaomi has launched the Redmi Smart TV X Series in India at a price of Rs. 32,999 for a 50-inch variant. The LED TV range is available in three sizes: 50 inches, 55 inches and 65 inches – all types have 4K HDR LED screens. The Redmi Smart TV X Series is powered by Android TV 10 for smart connectivity, and supports HDR in 12-bit Dolby Vision format. Like Xiaomi’s Mi Range TVs, the Redmi Smart TV X Series comes with a Patchwall UI in addition to the Android TV UI.
Redmi Smart TV X Series price in India, availability
This tv compared to other Xiaomi’s tv it is very affordable. The Redmi Smart TV X Series is available in three sizes, priced at Rs. 32,999 for the X50, Rs. 38,999 for the X55, and Rs. 57,999 for the top-end X65 variant. All of the TVs are 4K HDR LED models and have similar specifications and features, save for the obvious differences in size.
The Redmi Smart TV X Series goes on sale on March 25 and will be available to buy via Amazon, the Xiaomi online store, as well as Mi Home and Mi Studio offline stores. In the coming weeks, Xiaomi will also make the TV range available at other Mi partner stores offline. TVs will also take the Mi TV range, however a change in brand fitting means that the Redmi and Mi brands will not compete with each other in the same price segment. Redmi can focus on affordable prices, while the Mi brand can shift its focus to mid-range and premium TVs, Mi QLED TV 4K (Review).
Redmi Smart TV X Series specifications, features
The Redmi Smart TV X Series has impressive specifications and features, especially support for Dolby Vision and HDR 10+ formats for high dynamic range content. The TV Reality Flow and Vivid Picture engine are also said to be features to enhance the viewing experience. Various audio formats are also supported, including Dolby Audio, Dolby Atmos Pass-over EARC and DTS Virtual: X for built-in speakers.
The TV runs on Android TV 10, with access to the Android TV launcher and Google Assistant. Like Xiaomi’s other TVs, the Redmi TV X series also has access to the Patchwall UI, Xiaomi’s content-centric, managed user interface, popular in its Mi TV range. Google Chromecast is also built in, and the Redmi TV range is the first to receive the Mi Home app from the company for IoT products supported on TVs.
Other specifications include a 64-bit quad-core MediaTek processor, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of storage for applications and application data, and Auto Low-latency mode (LLM) for better gaming performance. TVs have three HDMI 2.1 ports, a sub-EARC, two USB ports, dual-band WiFi connectivity, optical and 3.5mm audio connectivity and Bluetooth. 5.0.