iPhone 11 has received a discount in India and is now selling at an effective price of Rs. 41,900 under a limited-period offer for Holi. The offer is hosted by Apple Premium Reseller Imagine, and is applicable for customers purchasing the iPhone 11 both online and offline. The Holi offer includes a cashback of Rs. 5,000, as well as accessories worth up to Rs. 8,000, effectively bringing the price down by Rs. 13,000. The retailer is also offering discounts on the iPhone 12 mini and the iPhone 12 under the same Holi offer.
Imagine’s Holi offer includes a Rs. 5,000 cashback that is applicable for customers making purchases through HDFC Bank cards and EasyEMI options. The retailer is also offering accessories worth up to Rs. 8,000, along with an additional exchange bonus of Rs. 3,000 that can bring the price down even further. Imagine is also offering the iPhone 12 mini and the iPhone 12 at effective prices of Rs. 48,900 and Rs. 65,900, respectively
Customers can avail the Holi offer through the Imagine website and retail stores in the country. Imagine has not said how long the offer will be running for, but the HDFC cashback is only applicable until March 27.
iPhone 11 features
The iPhone 11 features a 6.10-inch (828×1,792) pixels Liquid Retina display and is powered by an Apple A13 Bionic SoC. It comes with dual rear cameras that both have a 12-megapixel sensor. The iPhone 11 comes in 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB storage options and six distinct colour options, namely Black, Green, (PRODUCT) Red, Purple, Yellow, and White.