boAt Bassheads 152 vs boAt Bassheads 100 Comparison

What is difference between boAt Bassheads 152 and boAt Bassheads 100?

boAt Bassheads 152 boAt Bassheads 100
Cable LengthMore than 1 meter1.2m
WiredYes Yes
Built-in MicYes Yes
Cable TypePVC dual tone braided cablePVC Cable 
ButtonOne Button ControlsOne Button Controls
Weight14 grammes13 g
ColourActive BlackJazzy BlueMaroon MirageRaging RedWhite PearlWhite PearlCourageous OrangeVibrant GreenVibrant GreenBlack, White, Courageous Orange, Furious Red, Mint Green,Mint Orange, Mint Purple, Taffy Pink
Sweat & waterproof
Compatible DevicesAll 3.5mm Jack device All 3.5mm Jack device
WARRANTY1 year warranty  1 year warranty 

Winner : boAt Bassheads 152

Also Read : boAt Bassheads 152 vs boAt Bassheads 100 Comparison

Source : Amazon

Why is boAt Bassheads 152  better than boAt Bassheads 100 ?

boAt Basshead152 earphone Comes with PVC dual tone braided cable.

BoAt Basshead152 ( PVC dual tone braided cable ) vs BoAt Basshead 100 ( PVCcable )

boAt Bassheads 152 and boAt Bassheads 100 : Price Comparison